"What’s Really Working?"

"Integrative strategies that are transforming health and wellbeing."
Yes to Life Annual Conference 2025
Online 29th March 2025
Friends House, London 27th September 2025


The 2025 Yes to Life conferences see us partnering with Mark Sean Taylor of Patient Led Oncology Trials to look at evidence from leading clinics and practitioners around the world as to what strategies are having the most impact on length and quality of life.

Our Spring Conference will be held online and will directly feature international practitioners and their patients as well as other key contributors to both the practice of and the evidence for Integrative Cancer Care.
Our Autumn Conference will be in person in London and will focus on the ways in which people with cancer in the UK can best capitalise on the emerging international data for successful strategies. Whilst the UK is certainly not a top destination for Integrative Oncology, we will be introducing some of our finest providers as well as sharing creative ways to access the many benefits integration can provide.

Meet our Speakers

Online 29th March

Robin Daly, MBE

Chairman and Founder
His daughter Bryony contracted cancer aged 9, dying at 23 after two recurrences. The immense difficulties the family faced making their own treatment choices prompted him to set up the charity to help others in similar situations.

Mark Sean Taylor

Founder, Patient Led Oncology Trials
A former investment banking technologist, a cancer scare prompted Mark to investigate Integrative Oncology, seeking advice and treatments from  top international experimental doctors.

Dr Gary Onik

Gary M. Onik, MD, while still in radiology residency training in 1982, described a brand new cancer treatment concept – image-guided thermal tumour ablation (destruction).

Dr Josep Carbonell

Director Médico Mediterránea Medica
Dr. Carbonell Esteve is a specialist in Regenerative Medicine. He has more than 40 years of experience in the profession and extensive training in different areas of the specialty.

Prof Joachim Drevs

Medical specialist in internal medicine
Joachim Drevs studied medicine in Göttingen and worked at numerous domestic and foreign hospitals until 2012. He completed his training in Freiburg in 2005 and has been a Professor at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg since 2009.

Dr Hűseyin Sahinbas

Senior physician
Dr Med Hüseyin Sahinbas at the Practice for Hyperthermia at the Pradus Medical Center am Kaiserteich studied medicine in Antwerp and Aachen and was one of the first students to enroll at Witten/Herdecke University.

Dr. Oscar Orlandini

Medical Doctor
Oscar is an unconventional Medical Doctor. He specializes in lifestyle medicine, is a certified Sleep, Stress Management, Recovery and Nutrition coach.

Daphy Cavero

Certified Integrative Health Coach
Daphy is a certified Integrative Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She specializes in somatic work, nervous system regulation, and emotional release.

In person 27th September

Robin Daly, MBE

Chairman and Founder
His daughter Bryony contracted cancer aged 9, dying at 23 after two recurrences. The immense difficulties the family faced making their own treatment choices prompted him to set up the charity to help others in similar situations.

Mark Sean Taylor

Founder, Patient Led Oncology Trials
A former investment banking technologist, a cancer scare prompted Mark to investigate Integrative Oncology, seeking advice and treatments from  top international experimental doctors.

Jane Mclelland

Jane is the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award 2019 ‘Amazing Women Global’ for unsung heroines. Awarded for Jane’s work educating and helping cancer patients since 2003.
Yes to Life Conferences offer a platform for experts to share the latest research, advancements, and evidence-based practices in integrative cancer care. Attendees can gain valuable knowledge about complementary therapies, nutrition, mind-body techniques, and other supportive interventions. This information empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their treatment and lifestyle choices.
Yes to Life Annual Conference offers a space where you can witness and learn from success stories of healing and recovery. Hearing stories of resilience and witnessing others who have overcome similar challenges can instil hope, motivation, and a sense of possibility. This inspiration can have a profound impact on your mindset, attitude, and belief in your own capacity for healing.
Cancer Patient

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors who makes this conferences possible

Previous Conferences Sessions

You can watch a sample from previous conferences sessions for free here:

"Therapy Choices"

Patricia Peat explores the benefits of including treatments and therapies, on both energetic and physical levels. From acupuncture to aromatherapy, from touch to talking therapies, find out why you might want some of these professionals on your team.
Learn More

"Accepting Challenges as Opportunities"

With Petrea King. At the core of many spiritual traditions lies the idea of acceptance of ‘what is’, and surrender. Focusing on the first of these, we are taught that by embracing the truth of our current situation (what scientists have termed ‘active acceptance’) we can release the tension that exists when we hold ourselves away or resist what is happening and by doing so take our first steps towards healing.
Learn More

"Transformation Through Turmoil"

With Steve Taylor. Post-Traumatic Growth can occur suddenly and dramatically, which Steve Taylor calls transformation through turmoil (TTT). TTT brings a dramatic shift in identity, equivalent to a spiritual awakening, creating a new outlook, sense of appreciation, and wellbeing.
Learn More

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71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
London WC2H 9JQ
Phone: 0203 222 0587
Registered charity no: 1112812
The information and content provided on these pages and in the programme are intended for information and educational purposes only and not to substitute for professional medical advice. The 1939 Cancer Act states that cancer treatment and treatment advice can only be provided by qualified medical professionals. Yes to Life charity does not consider that any of the information, made available in the conference programmes or on the website, will treat or cure cancer. Always seek qualified medical advice before making any changes to your conventional treatment plans.
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